Community OrganizationsEducation / Family Care
M-Th 8:30-3:30
Driving Directions:
Right past 3rd and Main St. Turn right into the parking lot and proceed to the rear.
About Us
Little Light House is a nonprofit, early intervention, tuition free, Christian based educational and therapeutic center for children with special needs. We are an affiliate of Little Light House in Tulsa, OK, which has been in existence for 50 years. We have the same heart and the same mission: to glorify God by improving the quality of life of children with special needs, their families, and their communities. We look at the child for what they CAN do, not what they cannot do, and want their parents to know that their child can live life to the fullest. By combining education and therapy in the classroom using evidence based practices, we see students experience milestones and miracles. At LLHKY, we are in the process of launching as we raise the necessary funds to hire so we can open our doors to children who need our services! Little Light House: Helping Kids Be Kids!
- special needs children
- early intervention
- tuition free
- nonprofit
- Christian based